Numerologist in Delhi offers Name Numerology Services Name Analysis Services & Numerology Based Name Calculation

Name Correction: Numerology

Numerology is a science, which is concerned with study of numbers, and way in which these numbers influence the life of an individual.

We suggest giving importance of naming your child correctly, as this is extremely vital to a successful and a balanced life. Each letter has a numeric value that provides an associated cosmic vibration. Name is a letter there is a dominating number in each name that is connected to a planet.

  • “The First Name” determines material success number
  • “Middle Name” determines your emotions
  • While the “Last Name” is a spiritual inheritance

The sum of the numbers in your birth date and the sum of value derived from the letters in the name provide an interrelation of vibrations. These numbers show a great deal about character of a person, his/her purpose in life, inspirations, and aptitudes etc. As Numerologist, we use the numbers to determine the strength and weakness of an individual thus constructing a guideline for future.

You Will Get Guidance For:

  • The overall analysis of the Date of Birth
  • Name Spelling correction
  • Suggestion for Company or Brand Name
  • Lucky Numbers and Colours
  • Compatibility between two or more persons
  • Correction in name to uplift the success rate
  • Signature Correction
  • Detecting strengths & weaknesses
Name Numerologist Delhi India

Numerology Name Correction


  • 11.00 am to 6.00 pm
  • 11.00 am to 1.00 pm
  • All Sundays are holidays.
  • Meeting by appointment only

Spiritual Healers in Delhi

Our motive is to make you independent, free from all man made conditions which have been imposed on you since time immemorial. We want you to be your own guide, your own teacher and own auditor of your life.


  • +91 9811063272
  • E-MAIL
  • 714, SG Shopping Malll, DC Chowk, Sector-9, Rohini, Delhi-110085, INDIA.

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