Distance Healing & Best Energy Healing Services in Delhi, India

Distance Energy Healing Services

We humans, and everything around is energy. Our thoughts and emotions are energy, and these affect the state of our overall wellbeing and when we need to heal ourselves at all the levels be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. We at Spiritual Tree do so by applying the right distance healing techniques to raise your vibration to correspond with the energy of wellbeing.

Energy healing can be performed regardless of any location, environment or circumstances. Distance Healings like: Reiki Healing, Lama Fera Healing, Dragon Healing or Energy Healing has such a power that it can travel across time and space and can be transmitted into the past, the future or even into the past lives. They can also connect you to a goal, or any experience you would like to have or you wish to heal in the past.

Distance healing session is typically given in a situation when your environment does not allow you to have a direct session. For example when your schedule is too busy and you cannot travel to our healing studio or if you suddenly feel the need for energy healing.

Ancient healers have used energy healing since the dawn of mankind. Contemporary science is also ultimately catching up with it, thanks to quantum theory. They have recognized that energy is medicine. Modern medicine considers distance energy healing to be a new field of study.


Before to begin with the treatment we will discuss your ailments or anything that you would like to work on and heal. Then we will book a time for the distance healing session.

During the distance healing session you will be requested to find a quiet place where you will not get disturbed and you are in a relaxed state of mind. Then we will connect with your energy and the session may start. A distance healing session will be given the same amount of focus as if you were directly taking healing one to one. The session will last approximately 25-30 minutes.

During the distance healing session, you might feel sensations, see colors or feel heat or cold, exactly the same as if you were receiving a direct energy healing.

Distance Healers India

Distance Healing


Once the healing session is complete, you may want to relax for a while or may take a good nap and treat yourself to a nice herbal tea later. After that we will follow up the healing session and will review your experiences and everything that you were feeling during the distance healing session.

Other Benefits of Distance Healing are:

  • Distance healing can take place anywhere, anytime
  • No need to travel or leave one’s home
  • Proven efficacy in treating inexplicable illnesses
  • Brings vital energy and balance to the physical body
  • Reinstates exhausted energy levels
  • Strong element of privacy if you feel like releasing energy by laughing or crying


  • 11.00 am to 6.00 pm
  • 11.00 am to 1.00 pm
  • All Sundays are holidays.
  • Meeting by appointment only

Spiritual Healers in Delhi

Our motive is to make you independent, free from all man made conditions which have been imposed on you since time immemorial. We want you to be your own guide, your own teacher and own auditor of your life.


  • +91 9811063272
  • E-MAIL
  • care@spiritualtree.in
  • 714, SG Shopping Malll, DC Chowk, Sector-9, Rohini, Delhi-110085, INDIA.

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